In the world of Pilates, the concept of Centre goes beyond the physical centre of your body; it embodies the core of your strength, stability, + control. Joseph Pilates emphasised the importance of a strong + engaged centre for optimal movement + posture.
The Centre principle encourages us to bring mindful focus on the muscles deep within our abdominal area, including:
the transversus abdominis - deep abdominals which essentially wrap around like a wide belt, from underneath the ribs down to the top of the pelvis at the front + around to the corresponding posterior section of the body. Assisting with efficient breathing as well as thoracic + pelvic stability, this wide, flat layer of muscle is essential to a healthy core.
the pelvic floor muscles - often described as sling-like muscles that support the organs of the pelvis as well as the functions of those organs. Inextricably connected to our breath, the pelvic floor can be overworked to the point of dysfunction + so it is important to be mindful of these muscles when performing 'abdominal' exercises.
the multifidus - muscles that attach along length of the spine from the sacrum to the axis (near the base of the skull) whose function is extension, lateral flexion as well as rotation of the spine.
By bringing focused awareness to these muscles, we can create a stable, healthy foundation that helps with strength + control throughout our entire body.
"No matter where you go, you have to remember your centre. You don’t do it physically. You do it mentally. You do it from the inside.” - Kathy Grant, dancer + a Joseph Pilates-certified teacher
Why Does it Matter?
Core Stability:
The centre principle is the cornerstone of core stability, which encompasses muscles of the abdomen, the sides of your torso as well as your spine. A strong centre is essential for maintaining healthy alignment both in your Pilates classes + all your daily activities. It also allows you to be able to actively draw power from your centre when you flex/extend your spine or move your arms or legs under load (such as lifting something heavy, getting yourself up off the floor or performing a specific exercise in a class). Being able to utilise your centre in this way means you're not loading more vulnerable joints unnecessarily, which can help prevent injury or pain.
Improved Body Awareness:
By developing awareness of your centre, you become more attuned to all of your body's movements. Pilates encourages mindful + intentional movement, promoting a connection between your mind + body. This heightened awareness helps you move more efficiently + reduces the risk of injury.
Enhanced Balance + Coordination:
Awareness on your centre is your secret weapon for improved balance + coordination. You'll find yourself moving with greater precision + control as you continue to practice centring in each Pilates class but, of course, this newfound stability extends beyond the studio. Repetition will guarantee that your awareness will begin to become a subconscious habit, which in turn helps your movement, balance + coordination in everyday life. And, as we age, being able to stay upright + preventing falls is essential to our health + longevity.
Total Body Integration:
The centre principle is not isolated to a specific set of exercises; it is seamlessly woven into the fabric of every Pilates movement. As you cultivate strength in your centre, you'll notice the positive impact on your entire body. Pilates is about holistic well-being, + the third principle ensures that your entire body, as well as your mind, is present, engaged + working in harmony.
As we become more centered, we not only improve our Pilates practice but also carry the benefits into our daily lives, achieving a harmonious balance of strength, flexibility, + mindfulness.
Our centre serves as our anchor. By embracing + understanding the significance of a strong + engaged centre, we unlock the key to a balanced, stable, + integrated body.
Need help finding your centre? Join us for our foundational class - Flow + Align. Read more + find it on the schedule here.